When I was growing up we ate all kinds of crackers with all kinds of food; something my husband and I continued doing after we got married (28 years ago! 😊) Then last year I started eating lectin free which means striving to be wheat free. I scoured the internet for something that I could use (they also can't have any rice or potato flour in them) to meet my cracker addiction. Nothing. My next thought was, if I can make bread that is compliant, why can't I also make crackers? A lot of other cooks must have thought the same thing because I began seeing different kinds of "gluten-free" and "paleo" cracker recipes pop up in blogs and Facebook groups. Some of them tasted okay, most just tasted nasty and bland. So . . .You guessed it, I started experimenting until I came up with one that I liked the taste of, but more important, that my dog and husband also liked. My recipe calls for two XL eggs . If you only have large eggs on...